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about refuge


Welcome to Refuge! This is the student ministry of the First Baptist Church in Ruidoso, NM. Our services are geared toward the Middle School and High School age groups (7th - 12th grade) so it gets a little crazy sometimes, but everything we do is done with the intention of reaching a lost world with the AWESOME ("causing or inducing awe; inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear") news that Jesus has paid the price for our sins. That He can and will save us. That he can and will forgive us. That we can live with our Creator forever if we will accept Him. That is our mission. To love on students and point them only to the ultimate healer. This is our passion and why we are here.


Our team is full of people who have experienced God's grace in their own way and who love to share about how Christ saved the imperfect person that they are. The youth team is always ready for conversation about literally, anything (seriously though, Jesus is our favorite subject).


This has been said before, but we ask you to please come just as you are. Don't try to get it together before you come or even act like it is all together. Starting from where you are is the best way to experience Christ. 

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